
5 types of Super hero’s in our lives; who are they?

***Give them a call today***
  1. Parents- “Not all superhero’s get a tap on the back”, a saying I use when referring to parents and this is why I call them β€œTHE CROSS”. The perfect superhero name, because they truly are the definition of pure love. Even if they are sometimes seen as the villains, they are still very important in our life story. These set of people do not know how they give so much more than they have and for this reason they are ranked the GOAT. Therefore, however it may seem, their sacrifices are yet unending which makes their actions still worthy. 
***Don’t take them for granted***

2. The Teacher- I like to call them β€œTHE SALT”, for they endlessly guide with ceaseless patience. Cautious in every endeavour, since right and wrong are unique principles very dare to them. This woman or man with great honour takes out the time to retrieve the appropriate knowledge and provide solution for difficult problems, which a person would require to become well informed and cultured during decision making. The coach who prepares and seamlessly delivers the techniques which you will need to fight life battles. A preacher who makes sure you are spiritually sound and reminded of the world and the things yet unexplainable. The tutor, mentor, counsellor, guide, guru, master, writer and instructor are indeed the main ingredients to a cooking soul.

***Kudos to the helpers in our midst.*** 

3. The Giver- If you have β€œEARTH ANGELS” who are always lending a hand, then your name must be β€œLUCKY”, a superhero’s sidekick. These terrestrial messengers could either be an advocate, organ donor, financial sponsor, patron of any cause, subscriber or well-wishers. It could be the man giving a beggar, a relative helping his brother or sisters children through school, a sibling who wipes away poverty from his family, a volunteer who keeps to time, an employee who gives his best shot, a woman who gives her husband a second chance or a man who represents his neighbours and community. In whatever place he or she finds themselves the want to make a different that would benefit a person or group of people. Hence, a life time job of making sure that people live a better life.


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***God bless the people yet unknown***

4. The Stranger- Visitors, foreigners, outsiders or aliens could be your best chance at life, that is why I call them β€œGOLD SPOONS”. Supporters who patronise your craft and employers who find you worthy. Strangers would most likely give you a second chance and a thumb when you bring absurd ideas. They are extreme enthusiast who clap for you and gladden in your fortunes. They are the fans who give you a possibility for something to happen, when friends and family members abandon you or think less of your capabilities, and because they admire your courage and determination, they chant your name for all to hear, idolising your image in their hearts and crafts. 

***Offer a listening ear***

5. The Weak- β€œFor when you are strong you are also weak”. They are the frail, sick, shaky and exhausted. The β€œVANQUISHERS” who accept that they are in a bad shape and need help are exceptional people. The individuals who tell their stories for others to learn. Be it a failed marriage, business, career or education. They expose themselves to the critics of the world so that someone out there can become strong enough to withstand the pressures of life, as it too shall pass.

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